About me

Vinita was born in Kanpur, India, has lived in several countries around the world, and currently resides in northern California. Her family moved to Zambia (Africa) when she was nine. She then went to St. Mary's boarding school in Nainital, India, and later to college in the US, getting her degree in Computer Science with a minor in Comparative Religions.
Vinita has been spiritual from a young age, with an urge to know the Truth. After a mystical experiences when she was thirteen, she started meditating and became spiritually inclined.

She has studied several religions, wisdom traditions, mystics, new age spirituality, and ancient civilizations for over 30 years. Her continuous learning in the connection of science and spirituality includes quantum physics, sound vibrations, Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, Yoga, meditation, healing, and near death experiences (NDEs). 

Vinita's first book, "Eternal Way to Bliss", is based on Vedic knowledge and was published by John Hunt Publishing. Her second book, "Merging with the Beloved – Mystical path to Oneness", is about devotion and was self-published by Partridge (Penguin) India. 
"Dance of Duality" published in 2024, is a novel about a Kashmiri woman's mystical journey interwoven with her worldly life, it while moves from the past, to the present and a future yet to come. 

Earlier, as a teacher with the Art of Living Foundation, Vinita took several courses, volunteered, and practiced for many years. She also gave several talks and led workshops at many public events and organizations. 
Under the tutelage of the Chinmaya Mission she studied many Vedic texts including Upanishads, Gita, Puranas, the epics, and advanced texts. She has studied the teachings of Shankaracharya, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, and many others.

In 2015 after a life changing event, Vinita entered a new chapter of her spiritual journey. She discovered the realm of psychics, channel mediums, ancient scriptures, and a whole new world of new age spirituality. Vinita spent a few years exploring, researching, and experiencing topics such as, cosmic races (ETs) and their role in our history, ancient spiritual traditions and the connection with the Vedic tradition. 

During this time Vinita received her sound healing certification with internationally acclaimed teacher Jonathan Goldman. Her natural inclination towards chanting, specifically Mantras, led her to a lifetime of practice and learning from several masters including, Thomas Ashley-Farrand. 
She got certified in Past Life Regression Therapy, QHHT, training from Dolores Cannon institute. 

Vinita has been leading group sessions which include meditation, Yoga, Pranayama, chanting, and spiritual knowledge. She is a certified spiritual life coach and helps people 1-on-1 with intuitive guidance. Vinita has learnt healing from Rene Mey as well as pranic healing and often combines several modalities when offering personal therapy.

She took initiation in Kriya Yoga from Sri M and continues to attend his workshops.

Vinita has been integrating her own inner and outer worlds and has chosen to experience all aspects of life be able to relate to others' and be a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds. She has worked in the IT industry for more than 30 years, and taken on leadership positions in several companies. 


  1. Very nice and inspiring blog, Vinita! Wish all the very best to continue your great work... :)

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